Qualifications and Credentials

We are proud to have achieved the gold standard for firms – Corporate Chartered status. Not only are we a CISI Chartered Firm™ but our Managing Director, Brian Benson, has attained industry-leading status too. He is a Chartered Financial Planner, Certified Financial Planner, and Chartered Wealth Manager. He also holds the Society of Later Life Accreditation (SOLLA) which focuses on later life planning.

If you receive regulated investment advice you should ensure that the firm is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the adviser is registered with suitable qualifications.

Further Details

Chartered Financial Planner and Chartered Wealth Manager

Chartered status is a symbol of technical competence and signifies a public commitment to professional standards. Attaining Chartered status is challenging and takes very real commitment. Working with a Chartered practitioner means you can be assured they have specialised knowledge, acknowledged professionalism, and that their skill level can be trusted.

A CISI CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional has the knowledge, skills, and experience to help you to review all of your options so you can make informed decisions about what you want from life both now and in future. They have been tested to make sure they meet rigorous international standards of competence, as well as ethical and professional practice standards. This means that not only will you have peace of mind regarding the technical accuracy of their advice but also the integrity that underpins it. They will work with you to make sure you are in control of your finances and achieve your life goals. The best financial planning results come from working with a CFP professional. When seeking objective, expert and trusted financial planning advice you should always look for those who carry the CFP mark.

SOLLA was established in 2008 as a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to higher standards and accessibility to regulated financial advice for older people and their families. There are no shareholders and any profit is used to sustain the Society and its objectives. The Society of Later Life Advisers is committed to promoting and raising awareness amongst people, their families and professional advisers of financial issues faced in retirement and later life. They also build relationships with statutory and voluntary agencies, charities, housing, and social care providers, financial services firms and those organisations who are involved in the financial wellbeing of those in later life. And they’re driven to raise the standards of practice of those engaged in advising older people by promoting the highest levels of professionalism in financial advice. And they identify and develop best practice through the provision of high-quality training and the distribution of the latest information and know-how in later life issues. They also act as a source of technical excellence for later life advisers, and actively input into legislative and policy changes and contributing to debates on policy.

Jeff Prestridge, personal finance editor of The Mail on Sunday
“Most advisers in banks would not have the specialist “CF8” long-term care qualification, which was introduced to prevent mis-selling. Independent financial advisers who are members of the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) are best qualified to give long-term care advice, and offer customers the choice to pay upfront fees or commission.”